Wednesday 21 March 2018

Face Book and Cambridge Analytica Scandal

use these two links ( and your own) to write 5 sentences that :

1) Explain who they are and what they do?
2) What the issue around there harvesting and use of data is?
3) What the implications to 'We media are'/ democracy is?
4 What their  response form users, industry and government is?
5) How this may impact on future practices and usage?

four days ago

3 days ago

your own today.....


Monday 19 March 2018

To be completed::March 2018

1.Beyonce Fact Sheet - Media Language - 6 questions 
2. Beyonce Fact Sheet - Representation - 7 questions

Magazine - Component 2 Section B

1. Overview of Industry - Introduction  - worksheet & write down
2. Vogue Worksheet - Industry  - worksheet & write down & blog
3. Big Issue Worksheet - Industry  - worksheet & write down & blog
4. Impact of Digital Technology - worksheet & write down & blog
5. Magazine Labelling Dominoes - write down
6. Mock Exam 

Thursday 8 March 2018

What Career event in Liverpool - Free tickets - think about your creative future

Hi everyone,
I am going along to this event on Friday to pick up new information on career pathways, opportunities and apprenticeships in the arts, media & design.

I have booked spaces for students so if you fancy meeting me there then please feel free.

Come and chat to me if you fancy joining me so I know to wait for you outside.

Assessment Test will be on Magazines - Component Two Section B

Magazines Component Two. Section  B

Section A:   50 marks 
Magazine labelling and meaning

Section B:   50 Marks 
Analysis of magazines, codes and conventions, theorists

NME to close print edition

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Magazine Terminology

Terminology Match-up:

Do this activity in groups of two or three..check answers.

When 10 out of 10 then write up in exercise books.

This will be on your assessment test.

EXAM Timings Component 2

S ection A Question 1a & 1b = 24 mins each (Life on Mars / The Bridge) 15 mark & 15 Mark Section B. E ither questions 4 or 5 or...