Monday 26 November 2018

Component 3. Mag & Website- all work due in on Thurs 29th Nov

Component 3. Task 1 & Task 2

Magazine covers x 2 and double page spread x 1 & Website

Deadline for marking:  Thurs 29th Nov

Assessment Criteria below:
Band 5 - highest grades.
 Band 1 - lowest grades

I am hoping you are all within band 4 or 5.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Task 1 Print - Magazine must be complete before Thursday 9th November. Now overdue by three weeks!

Task 1 Print - Magazine must be complete 
for Thursday 8th November. 

Now overdue by three weeks! 

See info below for full details of what you must include - you have had this since June this year!

The moderator will be marking this work.

You must have your 200 words ready for me for Thursday too. 

TASK 2...see above
I plan on demonstrating 'building a website' in Lesson.
YOU MUST ALL have the appropriate images & text ready.

EXAM Timings Component 2

S ection A Question 1a & 1b = 24 mins each (Life on Mars / The Bridge) 15 mark & 15 Mark Section B. E ither questions 4 or 5 or...