Monday 18 September 2017

Water Aid Audio Visual Advert - discussion - analysis homework

After watching the Water Aid TV Advert from 2016 three times discuss in groups/ whole class in terms of media language, representation and audience.

Take lots of notes and now you are to show your understanding and use of media language as you analyse the TV Advert in more detail.

You may take stills of the advert to analyse and make written comments. 
Further areas to discuss in notebooks from our lesson.

Areas to discuss

Media Language:

  • Cultural Context - diegetic - non diegetic sound - voiceover
  • Consider Genre
  • Codes & Conventions of a TV advert - media language - meaning- connotations/ denotations.
  • Semiotics - signs and symbols - use of camera angles - reasons behind them.
  • Connotations of text, video, stills.


  • Social Context - stereotypical victim?
  • Through process and selection: dress code, colour, shot type, protaganist
  • Theoretical perspective: dry, dusty environment, struggles, solutions, role models


  • Social/ cultural context
  • Target audience
  • Audience demographic

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