Thursday 7 September 2017


 Welcome Media students....
Looking at the breakdown of the Components for your course in your welcome pack, the main aspects which we will need to get our heads round are:
  • Media language (visual)  and representation
  • Media industries and audiences
  • television in the global age (and what a global age looks like?)
  • notions of mainstream and alternative media
  • and media in the online age.
You may not realise but you are living, experiencing, influencing, being influenced by, consuming and contributing to all of these key areas all the time.
If we look at the clip we can see a fairly ground breaking piece of media which will give us an opportunities to look at many of these points:
We will look at the clip again,  while its playing just make some notes on  how you this advertisement campaign links to the following headings :
  • visual language and representation:
  • industry and audience
  • global age
  • alternative media
  • on line age
You may want to consider:

What was the aim of the campaign?
Who where the institutions behind it, which ones would have been involved?
How was the artist and Bing represented? How was this achieved? Who would have been the TA? How where they engaged? How did TA interact with the campaign? how many platforms could you identify? what was the impact do you think for both Bing and the artist?
How successful do you think it was? .....discuss

Using the notes your group made and the additional information you got from other groups your task before next lesson is to create a response to the following title:

 'Jay-z's advertisement campaign for his autobiography 'decoded' is probably one of the best examples of a multi media, cross platform, globalised campaign we have seen because.....!'

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EXAM Timings Component 2

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