Sunday 28 January 2018

‘Formation’ music video, Beyoncé 2016 Representation

We will watch the video;

•  I would like you to answer the following 6 questions please in your exercise books.
• Extend on your answers and ensure you use Media Language - your media booklets will assist you with this.

All to be completed for next Monday 5th February please

• Formation was first performed and released the day before the American Superbowl 2016.
• The Superbowl is one of the most-watched American television programs in history with an average audience of 114.4 million viewers

1. To what extent was the ‘Formation’ video designed, was it to promote a political/cultural agenda?....

2. Or was the video created to generate publicity and make money?

3. Which images/ sequences have been selected to construct her on-screen persona? E.g her representation as a person of strength and power?

4. Which images /sequences have been constructed to sell records and gain fans, rather than offer any meaningful insight into her personality/ beliefs?

Consider how media representations convey values, attitudes and beliefs about the world

5. Does the representation of Beyoncé in the video reinforce and possibly condone the objectification of women? Explain and give examples. E.g the dance sections where she wears short/tight or revealing outfits as well as some of the sexualised lyrics.

6. Discuss the video in terms of the Bell Hooks – Feminist Theory.

Monday 22 January 2018

Beyonce' - Formation Media Language

Today we will begin our work on analysing Music Videos alongside your work with Mr Dougan.
Today we are beginning to analyse the video 'Formation' by Beyonce' 2016.

We will watch the video;

Read the Fact Sheet:

Watch the video a second time.

Then I would like you to answer the 7 questions set based please in your exercise books.
Extend on your answers and ensure you use Media Language - your media booklets will assist you with this.

All to be completed for next Monday 29th Jan please

‘Formation’ music video, Beyoncé 2016                              Media Language

    1.  Explore the flooding in New Orleans, USA following Hurricane Katrina to place the video into this context. When did it happen? Why did it happen? Who did it happen to?

    2.  Was there racial tension at this time? How do we know this? What happened? And who to? (Use images, TV stills and newspaper reports as evidence to assist you).
   3.  Watching the Beyonce’ video again: are we being invited as an audience to interpret historical circumstances? Are there any intertextual references to racism or slavery in the video? If so how? Give 4 examples. (Use stills or images to assist your interpretation).

    4. This contrasting use of signs leads to possible readings/meaning of the music video. Is it exploring issues of the Black experience in America? Is it a personal exploration of Beyoncé’s life? Is it attempting to discus issues of gender and equality? Is it possible for the video to be all of these things? If so how?

    5. Consider the dynamic and historically relative nature of genre: What genres has Beyonce worked in?

    6.  Explore what “bounce” is and how it relates to Beyoncé specifically as a performer and the issues she is exploring in this video/song.

    7. What is MOBO? Discuss the historical significance.

Friday 19 January 2018

Where am I upto for Mr Dougan??

Here is where I have you all up to in terms of the blog posts we have been asked to make, some are clearly keeping up with the course - others are a real concern an will now trigger a round of parental contacts to share concerns.
If you think I've missed something off that is evidenced on the blog you need to let me know before  Tuesday 21st

EXAM Timings Component 2

S ection A Question 1a & 1b = 24 mins each (Life on Mars / The Bridge) 15 mark & 15 Mark Section B. E ither questions 4 or 5 or...