Monday 26 February 2018

Component 2 Sect B - Impact of Digital Technology on Magazine Production

Read through worksheet and complete tasks in full.

All handed out in class - digital link below if you need another copy or to click on links.

This work should take 1.5 hours to complete.

Example non-mainstream magazines:

Comp 2 Section B - Overview of Magazine Industry

Read through this worksheet and complete tasks based on our discussion in class. 

Please include worksheet in your exercise book.


This work should take 30 -60 minutes to complete.

Component 2 Section B - Magazines - Vogue & Big Issue

After our discussions today we have discovered a little about how you read magazines.

You must complete the following sheets for next week 26.2.18.
1.Vogue. Industry worksheet. link below (handout given in lesson)

Quick notes on blogger and then answered in full in essay format in exercise books please.

Sunday 4 February 2018

Complete all outstanding work - Beyonce & Newspapers - Exercise Books & Posts

Today you must have all questions completed on Beyonce - Formation in exercise books. 

Essay style format please for everything.
Ensure question sheets are attached too.

Research was the key area here so you were to look at all forms of media sources, News, TV interviews, You Tube, Radio, Newspapers etc and use your knowledge to how define truth, 'hear say', exaggeration or lies.

See the previous post for assistance on media methods also the mind map below will help that we created in class.

You must complete all outstanding work so you are completely up to date for parents' evening tomorrow.  

Mr Dougan & I look forward to meeting your parents.

EXAM Timings Component 2

S ection A Question 1a & 1b = 24 mins each (Life on Mars / The Bridge) 15 mark & 15 Mark Section B. E ither questions 4 or 5 or...