Monday 17 December 2018

Revision Packs - Christmas Holiday reading. Component 1 all fact sheets. Component 2 all information packs.

Today we went through your revision Packs for Christmas Holiday reading. 

Component 1 all fact sheets. Riptide, Beyonce, Tide, Womens' hour etc

Component 2 all information packs. Theorists, Life on Mars (1&2), The Bridge, Gender, Zoella, online media, etc.

Read through three times over the holidays.
High light key words, quotes, and really understand concepts. 

These booklets will guide you through now up to your exams so get to know them really well. 

Do at least four of that tasks on paper (title, date, question etc) and discuss the questions with your families remember you are debating and showing knowledge of theorists in your responses on paper.

Mr D and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas with your families.

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EXAM Timings Component 2

S ection A Question 1a & 1b = 24 mins each (Life on Mars / The Bridge) 15 mark & 15 Mark Section B. E ither questions 4 or 5 or...