Tuesday 7 November 2017

Fact Trip Letter - updated due to Public Transport Strike



Mon 4th November 2017

Media Studies Trip to FACT Media Centre. Wood St. Liverpool. L1 4DQ

Monday 13th November 2017 at 9.30am

Year 12 Media Students.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am pleased to inform you that we have secured ‘free’ places for our Year 12 Media Studies group to attend a viewing of ‘FENCES’ at the FACT centre as part of National Schools Film Week.

We will have guest speakers from Directors UK – a professional association of directors working in the film industry giving a ten-minute presentation before the screening of the film and a Q&A session afterwards.

The trip will enhance your Son’s experience and allow further insights into the field of Media. Having guest directors explaining the film and the methodology behind the scenes will allow an in depth insight into film making and structure relevant to their current coursework.

Due to public transport strike all students will be travelling on school minibus.

Transport:            School minibus 
Times:                   Meet at 9.05am outside caretakers office – main building (go to registration).
                               Depart 12.30pm and return to school for afternoon lessons.
Equipment:         Notepad and pens. 
Cost:                     Free

Uniform                 Black & white uniform to be worn.

To secure your Son’s place on the trip can you please complete and return the parental consent/ medical form attached to Mr Dougan or myself before Tues 5th November 2017.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support in giving the best opportunities for your Son within our Sixth Form.

Yours sincerely

Mrs P.McDonald-Holmes

Mrs P.McDonald-Holmes MA, PGCE (post 16), BA(Hons)

A Level Media Studies Course Leader

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